Pharmacy careers

The Pharmacy Careers portal was created to help student pharmacists explore the breadth of pharmacy career opportunities, to learn how to present themselves in the best light to employers and to get their first job after school.

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apply to aspiring academics 2nd cohort

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

Applications Now Open: Aspiring Academics 2nd Cohort

The 2024-25 AACP Aspiring Academics Program will provide up to 28 student-faculty pairs from AACP member institutions the opportunity to participate in a hybrid longitudinal program that aims to strengthen the participants’ skills and commitment to a career in academic pharmacy. The program consists of virtual meetings, asynchronous modules and activities, and will culminate at the 2025 AACP Annual Meeting with in-person programming, networking, and graduation ceremony. Participants will be required to contribute to a group poster for the Annual Meeting and develop an individual career development plan. Through this program, students will have the opportunity to learn from two distinct faculty member mentors, one from within their own institution (the home mentor) and one assigned by AACP (the AACP group mentor). Encourage your students to apply by May 15.

Aspiring Academics



Ready Reserve Corps

The U.S. Public Health Service, or USPHS, Commissioned Corps is an all-officer uniformed service of public health professionals from various public health and clinical disciplines. The mission of the USPHS Commissioned Corps is to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. The Ready Reserve Corps supports this mission by providing trained, ready and equipped public health professionals, capable of mobilizing and deploying to augment the active duty Commissioned Corps, under the authorities of the Secretary for Health in response to national emergencies and public health crisis. The Ready Reserve Corps offers a unique opportunity for officers to lead their own lives in the civilian world and serve their country when needed in under-served communities and during public health emergencies.

Ready Reserve Corp


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