Graduate Program Recruitment | UNC

The Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy offers graduate and fellowship programs to prepare clinical and translational scientists for careers in academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and regulatory agencies.  We believe that the pharmacy profession continues to present unparalleled opportunities for Pharm.D. scientists. Our Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate program has been training students in clinical and translational research for over a decade, with alumni working in the pharmaceutical industry, academia, and regulatory agencies.

For more information about the programs offered, students can visit the web site (  The program will not be virtually attending ASHP Midyear this year, interested students are encouraged to contact our Division Director of Graduate Admission, Dr. Julie Dumond ( to schedule an informal informational meeting.

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Review of applications begins December 1 and we strongly recommend that applications are completed prior to that deadline. Although you can apply until February 11, completing your application before December 1 will maximize your chances of acceptance and nomination for UNC Graduate School fellowships.