Southern Arizona VA PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program seeks residents.
This message is being sent on behalf of the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program Director (RPD), Stephanie Davis, PharmD, BCACP.
The attached documents include an informational letter from the RPD and the program brochure. Students who are actively looking for possible residency programs may find this information helpful. We would love to hear from them! The contact information can be found in the brochure.
Additionally, we are excited to hold a virtual open house on Thursday, October 28, 2021 3:30 – 6:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time) and the residency director and the current residents are eager to talk to your students!
Virtual Open House via Webex platform:
Meeting Link:
Meeting Number: 1997 66 1742
Password: XUvcvph@657