Join Keaton Higgins, a P3 at the University of Iowa, as he shares his experience, provides tips, and answers questions about networking as a pharmacy student. Pharmacy students and their preceptors are welcome to join us for this live discussion tomorrow at 12:30 PM CT!
Save Your Spot on February 24th at 12:30 pm CT by clicking on the link below:–D7yN7r5gdc5X3ia9DRKZPAheSbB64NmzOSBu-N0g_p2FAWkw5LQvdMXspSwXMVe3vyudbwduUiSUbCpzAJejGL8oT2GEFo0SjHxJjqaBVd6mi_lA&utm_content=204814977&utm_source=hs_email