Another year of pharmacy school is closing in, it’s going by so fast! Let’s take some time to celebrate another year closer to graduation!
We are inviting you and all of your pharmacy friends to Walgreens Meet & Greet at Howl at the Moon! Join us on 3/31/23 at 7pm – Invitation is attached.
Looking for a great pharmacy internship experience – Doug Healy and Myself will be on-site to answer any questions and share job opportunities for this summer and future pharmacist opportunities for pharmacy graduates.
Please RSVP by clicking on the link: https://tinyurl.com/2nz286ds
Thanks, Thanks,
Melissa Rakauskas Douglas Healy
Healthcare Supervisor, Orlando, Area 12 Healthcare Supervisor, Orlando Southeast, Area 13
Walgreen Co. │ 7003 Presidents Drive, Suite #250, Orlando, FL 32809 Walgreen Co. │ 7003 Presidents Drive, Suite #250, Orlando, FL 32809
email: Melissa.Rakauskas@walgreens.com │ Mobile: 321-297-8563 email: Douglas.Healy@walgreens.com │ Mobile: 321-297-8860