The Academic fellowship is centered around the pillars of academia–teaching, scholarship, and service. I’m linking you to our website, which has a handout with our program objectives and examples of activities, but I’d like to tell you a little more about how the program is structured below.
Teaching: The fellow will teach 2-3 didactic lecture hours per quarter and facilitate in at least 1 lab course per quarter. Teaching experiences will include the development of objectives, active learning, assessment items, etc. The fellow will also gain experience with course coordination.
Scholarship: The fellow will develop and execute one SoTL project each year which will result in a manuscript suitable for publication, present at local/regional/national meetings, assist with refereeing peer-reviewed journal articles, and participate in other forms of scholarship as available.
Service: The fellow will maintain a clinical practice site ~1 day/week. Our current fellow is practicing in an ambulatory care setting with a focus on anticoagulation and diabetes management. The fellow will also serve on various committees and/or task forces within the college.
Please feel free to reach out to me and/or our current fellow, Cathy Eichler (, for more information. Thank you!